Holiday Breakfast

 Holiday Breakfast Ideas

With the holidays coming up it has me thinking about what to make for Christmas morning. I love making a delicious and sweet breakfast for Christmas morning. Here are some of the options that I am thinking about doing this year!
This first recipe is a little time consuming but delicious. My first idea is homemade cinnamon rolls! Since these are homemade you do need to let the dough rise for 1.5 to 2 hours so this recipe is defiantly for the early risers. The recipe I use if from Food Network and I think it is the perfect recipe. However, something I do change for Christmas is once they are cooked and iced, I place them, so they look like a tree and add green sprinkles and other sprinkles that look like ordainments. I think this is a great idea to add to your Christmas morning to make it that much more festive! 
Gingerbread Loaf
This next recipe is another simple and delicious recipe that is not as time consuming as the cinnamon rolls. I have used many different recipes when making a gingerbread loaf but one of my favorite recipes is by Sally's Baking. I think this has a fantastic ginger flavor that is not too strong or too weak. In her recipe she adds orange flavor to the icing but personally I choose to just use a regular vanilla icing. To make the vanilla icing I just use 3 ingredients, confectionary sugar, heavy cream or milk, and vanilla extract. I use 1 cup of confectionary sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of milk or heavy cream, and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. If you need more just make sure to keep this same ratio and then you will have a delicious icing. Another option you could do if you didn't want to put an icing on top of the loaf is you could sprinkle powder sugar over the loaf. 

Above is a video of some great and simple holiday breakfast ideas!

Let me know if you try any of these recipes out and how they came out!


  1. We always have cinnamon rolls Christmas morning, I will definitely be trying that recipe.

    1. They are the perfect for Christmas morning! I hope they come out well!


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